Free projects without customer


  • reliably insecure


    reliably insecure

    Smell is our primal alert system. We sense danger without asking. Nowadys we should ask more often whether we should fear or not.Let’s play a game and start to listen to our senses.

  • route:able



    Web based navigation that fits everybodys needs. A prototype:The issue: Either apps don’t care for cobblestones and slopes or they avoid it completely. In real life you calculate whether it’s worth to go the 50 meters on annoying surface. We built an app that does that too.

  • Synchronicity



    We humans are good in connecting things. We try to align our experiences to let the chaos around us make sense. This is called: Synchronicity.

  • 2 tallbikes for courage

    2 tallbikes for courage

    What are you afraid of? For most people this is a difficult question. Nevertheless fear is one of our main motivations in life and a constant issue in politics and media. The big topics of our nowadays society: climate change, migration, work, terrorism, they all are directly connected to fear.

  • reliably insecure

    reliably insecure

    Smell is our primal alert system. We sense danger without asking. Nowadys we should ask more often whether we should fear or not.Let’s play a game and start to listen to our senses.


  • route:able


    Web based navigation that fits everybodys needs. A prototype:The issue: Either apps don’t care for cobblestones and slopes or they avoid it completely. In real life you calculate whether it’s worth to go the 50 meters on annoying surface. We built an app that does that too.


  • Synchronicity


    We humans are good in connecting things. We try to align our experiences to let the chaos around us make sense. This is called: Synchronicity.


  • 2 tallbikes for courage

    2 tallbikes for courage

    What are you afraid of? For most people this is a difficult question. Nevertheless fear is one of our main motivations in life and a constant issue in politics and media. The big topics of our nowadays society: climate change, migration, work, terrorism, they all are directly connected to fear.